Journal Daily Routine Friday September 1 2023




Jeff slept outside last night (Again!)

Fresh Air Sleeping Outside Under Our Mosquito Net With A Cricket Lullaby

Fresh Air Sleeping Outside Under Our Mosquito Net With A Cricket Lullaby

Our Mostly Natural Materials Kubo Visitors Yoga Outdoors Sleeping

Our Mostly Natural Materials Kubo Visitors Yoga Outdoors Sleeping

"Full Moon With Soothing Crickets. Beautiful Fresh Air! I Love This Lifestyle!!" - Jeff Sellers

7:15am Jeff's Savory Breakfast

  • Alugbati greens (Malabar spinach, Basella alba)
  • Okra
  • String Beans (Sitao Beans, yardlong beans)
  • 3 Chicken Eggs
  • Sweet Potatoes (Kamote, Camote)

My Wife's Savory Breakfast

Egg omelet with whole grain black rice

Egg omelet with whole grain black rice

10 Minute Walk Around After Eating: Did dishes, cleaned up, flossed & brushed teeth and general walking around.

For the past 2-3 months, we've been following the Glucose Goddess method for our breakfast. Seems to be helping. We still eat our fruit that is for sure!! And plenty of exercise to put the fruit to good use!

11:45am Hydrating Fruit!

  • Watermelon (Red & Yellow)
  • Banana (Lakatan or Lacatan)
  • Papaya
  • Rambutan
Palawan Philippines Simple Fruit Bowl Rambutan yellow and red Watermelon Papaya Banana

Palawan Philippines Simple Fruit Bowl Rambutan yellow and red Watermelon Papaya Banana

Power Nap: 15-30 Minutes (Actually 1 Hour)

  • This turned into about 1 hour nap. I think I had about 6 hours sleep last night. Generally I will take a longer nap if I've had less than 6.5 to 7 hours sleep at night. For the past 55 years, I've taken naps guilt free! I love it! A lot! 

Nutrition Information


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