April 24th 2023: My Daily Routine




Slept through 5:30 akarm to 6:30

Vision more clear. Steamed sinuses and eyes the last night.

Breakfast: rinsed, soaked overnight ans pressure cooked mung beans, sweet potatoes orange and purple, okra, greens from garden.

Immediately after breakfast I rinsed my mouth and teeth with water. Then flossed with dental floss, then brushed with toothbrush and salt water like I have been doing the past 2.5 years. I put a small amount of water in a teapot. After it whistles, then I pour that over a small amount of local sea salt, then stir until dissolved, then add cool water to top off the ceramic cup. The liquid is luke warm. Then I brush my teeth.

Glass of water upon arising
Shaved with my 11 year old Phillips rechargeable razor
Drove our motorcycle to bus terminal in Irawan

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