Slept through 5:30 akarm to 6:30
Vision more clear. Steamed sinuses and eyes the last night.
Breakfast: rinsed, soaked overnight ans pressure cooked mung beans, sweet potatoes orange and purple, okra, greens from garden.
Immediately after breakfast I rinsed my mouth and teeth with water. Then flossed with dental floss, then brushed with toothbrush and salt water like I have been doing the past 2.5 years. I put a small amount of water in a teapot. After it whistles, then I pour that over a small amount of local sea salt, then stir until dissolved, then add cool water to top off the ceramic cup. The liquid is luke warm. Then I brush my teeth.
Glass of water upon arising
Shaved with my 11 year old Phillips rechargeable razor
Drove our motorcycle to bus terminal in Irawan
April 24, 2023 in Daily Routine